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  • I use Squarespace for my own website & it’s my platform of choice for my clients too!

    I actually don’t work on any other platform these days, though I have a lot of experiences with WordPress too.

  • All of that can be done through Squarespace (recommended)! But if you already have a domain elsewhere, don't fret. I can transfer it to Squarespace for you, so that you're billed from the same company each year for your renewal & can manage it all in 1 place.

    OR, I can just “point it” (connect it) to your new Squarespace website, if you'd like to keep the domain wherever you purchased it.

    I'll do everything I can FOR you to keep this as simple as possible.

  • The only cost you should consider besides our services is the platform’s fee.

    SquareSpace charges around $400 per year to use their platform.

    You’ll also want to consider purchasing a Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions for your website.

    We’ll provide you with some resources on where you can find these.

    The cost ranges $0 - $400.

  • Once started, website design, redesign or migration projects take just 3 full weeks, depending on the scope.

  • We’ll provide a guided content questionnaire made just for you is my gold mine for building a profitable website. It will assist in compiling all the juicy details for the copies, and images on your website. Getting to know you better is just as important as the website!

    It is usually assigned within 1-2 business days of officially booking the project, so ideally you have at least 2 weeks to complete this guided to-do list (for submission of content for the website) before the project starts. Must be complete prior to project’s start, so I have content to design the website with.

  • We list our package prices & invoices in USD. [Use this currency converter](http://www.xe.com/currencyconverter/) if needed.

  • Yes. For website packages, a non-refundable initial payment of 50% - gets you locked into my schedule & goes toward your overall investment. The remaining balance is the last payment due right before the website launches.

    Why do I require an initial payment? I only work on 1 large project at a time, so when you book a website package, I block off our project date(s) on my calendar just for you and plan to focus on your project during that time. The initial payment shows you’re all-in and allows me to give that spot to just you, keeping me from juggling multiple projects at once & spreading myself too thin.

Land clients fast with your
Google Business Profile

People pay hundreds of dollars to SEO experts to optimize their Google My Business profile. I’m here to give you the tools to do it yourself for FREE!

google my business free guidebook

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